Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Things You Should Know When Interacting with an INTJ

1. There is Literally Nothing Between the Lines: There are no hidden and obscure messages to be found between the lines. What I say, is what I mean. 2. Don’t (Try to) Surprise Me: I need to plan. 3. I Actually Do Have Feelings (On Occasion): Yes, I know, it’s hard to believe. I feel things very deeply. 4. Don’t Get Offended: When you ask for my advice or opinion. I will tell you the truth, without sugarcoating it. 5. Don’t Worry About Offending Me: I don’t get offended if someone tells me I’ve done something wrong, just explain the problem so that I can fix it. 6. Be Real, or Get Out: I recognize manipulation, lies, and bullshit miles away and have zero tolerance for it. 7. An Argument is Not a Fight: I recognize manipulation, lies, and bullshit miles away and have zero tolerance for it. 8. Efficiency is Life: I am an efficient person, and I like to make sure everything is done in the most efficient way possible. 9. This is My Face: I am expressionless most of the time. 10. Alone Time is the Best Time: If I say “I’m just staying home tonight” or “I just want to be alone”, it’s nothing against you.

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